In Our Words
Acupuncture is the world’s oldest form of holistic medicine and traces its origins back to Ancient China and East Asia. The philosophy of acupuncture is centered on the idea of Qi (pronounced “Chee”), or one’s vital internal energy, and improving its abundance, quality, and balance in the body in order to relieve pain and optimize health. To achieve this, very fine, “hair-like” sterile needles are used at specific acupuncture points or “acupoints” to stimulate areas of the body and promote equilibrium. It is a safe, painless, and drug-free treatment method.
Acupuncture is widely recognized in the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a conventional medical treatment method when it comes to treating pain and variety of medical problems. Some of the health concerns that acupuncture can help with:
Addiction, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Auto & Sports injuries, Bronchitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & other wrist pain, Common cold, Constipation, Dental pain, Depression, Diarrhea, Eye issues, Facial paralysis, Fatigue, Headache & Migraine, Incontinence, Indigestion, Infertility, Sciatica & Low back pain, Menopause symptoms, PMS & other menstrual issues, Muscle & joint pain, Nausea, Numbness, Rhinitis, Sleep disorder(s), Sore throat, Sprain, Stress, Tennis elbow, and More…